An embattled developer and prominent Fan landlord is looking for new neighbors.
An embattled developer and prominent Fan landlord is looking for new neighbors.
A new 96-home subdivision in suburban Richmond got the green light Monday from City Council, but there are some trees standing in its way.
A local property management company has bulked up its portfolio with an acquisition.
The upcoming auction of a massive James River plantation isn’t for the faint of heart – or for the light of wallet.
A Cary Street Road home that for years was tied up in a legal battle is back on the market.
By all accounts and according to market data, the sale last month of a West End riverfront property fetched the highest price for a single-family home in Richmond in at least 18 months.
A foreclosure auction that had been scheduled Thursday for the 10,000-square-foot Georgian-style mansion was cancelled at the request of the lender.
Vacant and tangled in the weeds of the foreclosure system, Justin French’s mansion is once again headed to auction.
More than a dozen lots owned by two local high-end homebuilders are headed to foreclosure Thursday.
City & Guilds owner David Gammino is the latest developer to take a crack at an apartment project in the Bottom.
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