The Herd: Hires, promotions and departures for 4.28.10

A fat Herd this week with two departures – an executive at a local insurance firm and a lobbyist at the Chamber – and hires in law, investment banking and commercial real estate. Plus a Marine who enlisted on Sept. 12, 2001, is the new headmaster at a private school.

The Herd 4.14.10

A former Army captain joins a local law firm, and a host of other promotions and hires this week.

The Herd for 3.24.10

Two doctors take new roles at a local nursing home while a local Fortune 500 hires a vice president from New York and one lawyer returns to the family practice after a stint in the alternative energy industry.

The Herd for 3.10.10

A short Herd this week, but a new managing director at a hedge fund consultancy and a new CIO at a local bank.

The Herd: New hires and promotions for 2.24.10

A retiring university president joins one the board of one of the area’s biggest companies and a hard-nosed reporter gets shown the door, all in this week’s Herd.