Search Results for: the pitch

Stop calling me already!

A Richmond-based telemarketing group, Media Synergy, has been ordered to stop making “robo calls” to the state of North Carolina.

Rainwater rules cast cloud over development

Developers are lining up in opposition to new storm water requirements they say will dramatically increase the cost of development in the commonwealth, and may even scare off the sort of large companies that could bring thousands of new jobs.

FedEx sues UPS over whiteboard ads

One of Richmond’s most recognizable residents, Martin Agency celeb Andy Azula, is in the middle of a lawsuit between shipping giants. The Memphis-based FedEx is suing Atlanta’s UPS over a recent commercial that features Azula and his now-famous whiteboard, according to the Memphis Daily News. The complaint was filed in U.S. District Court in Memphis…. Read more »

Baseball debate turning into a full season of speculation

As soon as it seems dead in the water, the baseball debate in Richmond keeps coming back. Charlie Diradour extended his hand in peace today to those in the opposite dugout at a news conference he called. Connecticut, the giant Indian sculpture, looked down over the scene, a thick layer of pollen dusted over its… Read more »

NewsFeeds 6.30.09

Former Henrico construction firm employee pleads guilty to embezzlement (Times-Dispatch) But a simple request from a supervisor over a missing file turned up a long-running embezzlement scheme that saw Denis ring up at least $200,000 in purchases that she simply approved for payment. Norfolk comes to aid of downtown (Inside Business) Construction in downtown Norfolk… Read more »

Highwoods throws in the towel

The Raleigh-based development firm announced today that it is pulling out of its proposal to develop Shockoe Center, a $350 million retail and residential project that was to be centered around a minor league baseball stadium.

NewsFeeds 6.16.09

LandAmerica seeks probe of banks (Times-Dispatch) Attorneys for the bankrupt Henrico County-based company have asked to hire a New York law firm to investigate and pursue claims that the company was misled when investing in auction-rate securities. A hearing on the request is scheduled Thursday in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Richmond. LandAmerica says the securities… Read more »