Coliseum shuttered as its fate remains in limbo


The Coliseum closed its doors at the start of the year. (BizSense file photo)

When the Harlem Globetrotters passed through town Dec. 29 to close out the year at the Richmond Coliseum, little did the world-famous basketball team know it’d be the headliner of what appears to be the last event in the aging arena’s nearly 50-year run.

Many locals likely didn’t know, either, as the City of Richmond – which is mulling a redevelopment project that would replace the arena – effectively closed the venue, without announcement or fanfare, at the start of this year.

The city’s contract with SMG, the company that managed the Coliseum, expired at the close of 2018, and no events for this year are listed on the venue’s website – the result of a decision to stop booking events past Dec. 31, according to a summary of a meeting with SMG that the city provided to BizSense.

In that meeting, held Dec. 3 and involving city budget director Jay Brown and SMG’s Dolly Vogt and Tabitha Sechrist, the parties discussed that due to financial losses from the Coliseum’s operating deficit, a determination had been made to not book events this year “until a decision had been made about the fate of the Coliseum.”

That fate could include demolition if the city goes forward with the proposed Navy Hill redevelopment, a $1.4 billion project proposed by Tom Farrell’s NH District Corp. that would replace the Coliseum with a larger arena as part of a larger redevelopment of a surrounding 10-block area.

Prior to that proposal, the city had been mulling whether to close the facility due to the deficit, which was said to be totaling $1.5 million in annual costs to the city. The uncertainty led to several high-profile events getting booked elsewhere, either locally or in other markets. It also prompted the Richmond Roughriders arena football team to leave the city for Wheeling, West Virginia.

Some of those events have been picked up by the neighboring Greater Richmond Convention Center, which will host this spring’s VCU commencement ceremonies and has booked several Amway events typically held at the Coliseum.

Concern about economic impact

While the closure has brought more business to the convention center, some observers see it as a loss of potential revenue and economic impact for area hotels, restaurants and other businesses while the NH District Corp. proposal plays out.

City Councilman Parker Agelasto, who represents the city on the board of directors for Richmond Region Tourism, said he raised the issue with the board at a recent meeting in light of ongoing negotiations between the city and NH District Corp. about the Navy Hill proposal, which Mayor Levar Stoney has endorsed but has yet to present to City Council.

Jack Berry, president of Richmond Region Tourism, said he asked the city to reopen the Coliseum for events, but his request was denied. He said efforts are now focused at booking events at alternate venues, such as the convention center and Richmond Raceway.

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No events have been booked for the venue for this year. (Photo by Jonathan Spiers)

Agelasto said the request to reopen the Coliseum was made in light of the negotiations, which have continued since council voted in December to form a commission to review the proposal once presented.

“There was a request made, while Navy Hill deliberations were ongoing, whether or not the Coliseum could be reopened and made available until a later date,” he said, “because as of right now, being shuttered it is not necessarily serving anybody, particularly without a plan on the table.”

Council member Kim Gray, who pushed for the commission, said she was of the understanding that the proposal would have been presented by now, adding that the commission’s next steps hinge on a presentation. Gray said she has learned that a presentation won’t be made at council’s next regular meeting Monday.

“The initial information we got was that this thing would be approved and construction would be underway, and we haven’t seen a proposal yet,” Gray said. “I’d like to see what the proposal entails before seating a commission.”

Still under discussion

Grant Neely, an NH District Corp. representative, said attorneys for the group and the city continue to negotiate terms of the proposal, which would involve tax-increment financing and relocation of the city’s social services offices, among other details.

Uncertainty over the fate of the Coliseum is nothing new for Richmond, as the city has extended SMG’s contract in the past as administrators mulled whether to improve or replace the aging facility. In 2012, a 30-month contract extension avoided a pending expiration. That extension followed a five-year extension made in 2007, according to news reports at the time.

SMG had managed the Coliseum continuously since 2002. Attempts to reach SMG for comment were unsuccessful. Vogt, the company’s regional general manager, did not respond to inquiries made by phone and email.

The latest contract, while officially expired Dec. 31, was extended several months to allow for maintenance and other work to keep the building up to code and safely close and secure the facility, according to the city.

According to the summary of the meeting in December, closing the Coliseum is projected to save the city $321,115 in subsidies the remainder of this fiscal year. The full subsidy amount, $862,534 annually, would be saved in fiscal year 2020.

The closure also means a reduction in admission taxes the city collects from the venue due to no events booked. That loss is estimated to total $150,000 from January to June, resulting in a net impact this fiscal year of $171,115.

An audit of venue financials by Henrico-based accounting firm Mitchell Wiggins showed the Coliseum’s operating revenues for FY18 and FY17 totaled $1.69 million and $2.03 million, respectively, while expenses totaled $2.2 million and $2.44 million, respectively. That resulted in an operating loss of $512,420 in FY18 and $414,432 in FY17.


The Coliseum closed its doors at the start of the year. (BizSense file photo)

When the Harlem Globetrotters passed through town Dec. 29 to close out the year at the Richmond Coliseum, little did the world-famous basketball team know it’d be the headliner of what appears to be the last event in the aging arena’s nearly 50-year run.

Many locals likely didn’t know, either, as the City of Richmond – which is mulling a redevelopment project that would replace the arena – effectively closed the venue, without announcement or fanfare, at the start of this year.

The city’s contract with SMG, the company that managed the Coliseum, expired at the close of 2018, and no events for this year are listed on the venue’s website – the result of a decision to stop booking events past Dec. 31, according to a summary of a meeting with SMG that the city provided to BizSense.

In that meeting, held Dec. 3 and involving city budget director Jay Brown and SMG’s Dolly Vogt and Tabitha Sechrist, the parties discussed that due to financial losses from the Coliseum’s operating deficit, a determination had been made to not book events this year “until a decision had been made about the fate of the Coliseum.”

That fate could include demolition if the city goes forward with the proposed Navy Hill redevelopment, a $1.4 billion project proposed by Tom Farrell’s NH District Corp. that would replace the Coliseum with a larger arena as part of a larger redevelopment of a surrounding 10-block area.

Prior to that proposal, the city had been mulling whether to close the facility due to the deficit, which was said to be totaling $1.5 million in annual costs to the city. The uncertainty led to several high-profile events getting booked elsewhere, either locally or in other markets. It also prompted the Richmond Roughriders arena football team to leave the city for Wheeling, West Virginia.

Some of those events have been picked up by the neighboring Greater Richmond Convention Center, which will host this spring’s VCU commencement ceremonies and has booked several Amway events typically held at the Coliseum.

Concern about economic impact

While the closure has brought more business to the convention center, some observers see it as a loss of potential revenue and economic impact for area hotels, restaurants and other businesses while the NH District Corp. proposal plays out.

City Councilman Parker Agelasto, who represents the city on the board of directors for Richmond Region Tourism, said he raised the issue with the board at a recent meeting in light of ongoing negotiations between the city and NH District Corp. about the Navy Hill proposal, which Mayor Levar Stoney has endorsed but has yet to present to City Council.

Jack Berry, president of Richmond Region Tourism, said he asked the city to reopen the Coliseum for events, but his request was denied. He said efforts are now focused at booking events at alternate venues, such as the convention center and Richmond Raceway.

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No events have been booked for the venue for this year. (Photo by Jonathan Spiers)

Agelasto said the request to reopen the Coliseum was made in light of the negotiations, which have continued since council voted in December to form a commission to review the proposal once presented.

“There was a request made, while Navy Hill deliberations were ongoing, whether or not the Coliseum could be reopened and made available until a later date,” he said, “because as of right now, being shuttered it is not necessarily serving anybody, particularly without a plan on the table.”

Council member Kim Gray, who pushed for the commission, said she was of the understanding that the proposal would have been presented by now, adding that the commission’s next steps hinge on a presentation. Gray said she has learned that a presentation won’t be made at council’s next regular meeting Monday.

“The initial information we got was that this thing would be approved and construction would be underway, and we haven’t seen a proposal yet,” Gray said. “I’d like to see what the proposal entails before seating a commission.”

Still under discussion

Grant Neely, an NH District Corp. representative, said attorneys for the group and the city continue to negotiate terms of the proposal, which would involve tax-increment financing and relocation of the city’s social services offices, among other details.

Uncertainty over the fate of the Coliseum is nothing new for Richmond, as the city has extended SMG’s contract in the past as administrators mulled whether to improve or replace the aging facility. In 2012, a 30-month contract extension avoided a pending expiration. That extension followed a five-year extension made in 2007, according to news reports at the time.

SMG had managed the Coliseum continuously since 2002. Attempts to reach SMG for comment were unsuccessful. Vogt, the company’s regional general manager, did not respond to inquiries made by phone and email.

The latest contract, while officially expired Dec. 31, was extended several months to allow for maintenance and other work to keep the building up to code and safely close and secure the facility, according to the city.

According to the summary of the meeting in December, closing the Coliseum is projected to save the city $321,115 in subsidies the remainder of this fiscal year. The full subsidy amount, $862,534 annually, would be saved in fiscal year 2020.

The closure also means a reduction in admission taxes the city collects from the venue due to no events booked. That loss is estimated to total $150,000 from January to June, resulting in a net impact this fiscal year of $171,115.

An audit of venue financials by Henrico-based accounting firm Mitchell Wiggins showed the Coliseum’s operating revenues for FY18 and FY17 totaled $1.69 million and $2.03 million, respectively, while expenses totaled $2.2 million and $2.44 million, respectively. That resulted in an operating loss of $512,420 in FY18 and $414,432 in FY17.

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Gaultier Malde
Gaultier Malde
6 years ago

This is an outrage. The Coliseum is being held hostage. There is nothing wrong with that building that can’t be fixed.

Ed Christina
Ed Christina
6 years ago
Reply to  Gaultier Malde

Gaultier Malde; Events and acts have been passing up Richmond because The Coliseum could not handle the requirements for them to put on a show since the mid 80s. Prince was supposed to come, and do a show, in 1985 and had to refund tickets sold because the The Coliseum could not handle his light show. And the requirements have not lowered in the mean time. You can argue is the tom Farrell plan is the right move, you can talk about if Richmond even needs a stadium, but you can’t make a reasonable case that The Coliseum is viable.… Read more »

MIchael Dodson
MIchael Dodson
6 years ago

This action shows very poor leadership and the inability to work with others; the Mayor basically is saying you don’t fully endorse my project…I’ll close the Coliseum anyway. Everyone knew the City had closed it despite their denials when the Raiders left that it was still officially open and available. And for the record, no public stadium in America works without some form subsidy whether it be admissions tax reinvestment ,student athletic fees, or direct payments . $500,000 a year is nothing. The NH deal should have been presented to Council for review and a vote before an closing occurred.

Rick Bishop
Rick Bishop
6 years ago

Six years ago, the Diamond was deemed ‘uninhabitable.’ Still drawing record crowds, thanks to a creative Flying Squirrels leadership team. It’s not the venue – it’s the events and leadership having no other option. If started today, it would be three years before a new venue opened. No arena until then?

Ed Christina
Ed Christina
6 years ago
Reply to  Rick Bishop

Rick; The reason the Squirrels have those big patches covered by signs, that used to hold seats, is because they don’t have enough rest rooms and food services to accommodate a full house. I don’t think they are drawing record crows because the R-Braves used to fill the whole place up on occasion. The Squirrels are making the best of a bad situation. But if someone fell overboard and was treading water, you would not skip throwing them a life line because they were still afloat. Eventually they are going to drown. If the area does not step up at… Read more »

Gaultier Malde
Gaultier Malde
6 years ago
Reply to  Ed Christina

So it’s a new coliseum and a new baseball stadium for Richmond. Schools be damned.

MIchael Dodson
MIchael Dodson
6 years ago
Reply to  Gaultier Malde

Well Squirrels stadium deal is going to be between state (land owner), VCU (wants to take ownership and run the place), the team that will lease it. I am sure the City or region might be asked to contribute some funds or cover infrastructure work but not to cover a multi-million dollar bond! The baseball is not a bad deal its just a not going to be an economic driver for anything. The Coliseum details, and our City’s history with backroom deals, scares me.

Ed Christina
Ed Christina
6 years ago
Reply to  MIchael Dodson

MIchael Dodson;
My two cents would be that every time we see a government make a “bad ” deal, we are assuming the government is looking at it the way we would, that the should get the best return for tax dollars. Instead, the tax dollars are often given away, and money is funneled back to politicians.
Maybe by ‘consulting” gigs after they leave office, or jobs for relatives, or by partial ownership in shell companies that mysteriously benefit from whatever action the government take.

MIchael Dodson
MIchael Dodson
6 years ago
Reply to  Ed Christina

Well since the wisdom is to move the good paying, state warehouse jobs out the area are for a part time, low-wage workers at a relocated stadium, i feel obligated to mention that the site for the replacement Diamond is at Hermitage and Robin Hood Roads. It is not in Scott’s Addition. A replacement stadium that far over will not bring more business (it has record attendance for their league) as those that go to places before or after the game will continue to go to Scott’s Addition and a replacement building that is over the train tracks and about… Read more »