New Licenses

New Business Licenses: Dec. 11, 2015

Chesterfield and Henrico counties issue new business licenses to bakers, real estate firms, transportation providers, consultants and retailers. See all the new businesses every week with BizSense Pro.

New Business Licenses: Nov. 27, 2015

Newly licensed business in the Richmond area include caterers, pet care businesses, a donut shop, assisted living companies and another escape room venture. Keep up to date with BizSense Pro.

New Business Licenses: Nov. 20, 2015

New licenses in Chesterfield and Henrico counties, including accountants, specialized healthcare providers, boutiques and restaurants. See all of the area’s new businesses with BizSense Pro.

New Business Licenses: Nov. 13, 2015

Health firms, retailers, restaurants and personal care companies, plus plenty of new merchants for the holiday season. See the full list of new businesses every week with BizSense Pro.

New Business Licenses: Oct. 30, 2015

An array of retailers in this week’s licenses, including crafts, pastries, apparel, hats and jewelry. Plus plenty of construction firms, business services and more. Get a first look at new companies with BizSense Pro.