
Foreclosures: 7.30.12


A ton of a foreclosures this week, including an entire strip of row houses in Church Hill, nearly three dozen listings in Chesterfield and more.

Foreclosures: 7.30.12


A ton of a foreclosures this week, including an entire strip of row houses in Church Hill, nearly three dozen listings in Chesterfield and more.

Foreclosures: 07.23.12


A house at Byrd Park, a commercial property on Jefferson Davis Hwy., open land in Hanover and a massive house in Glen Allen are among the dozens of foreclosures this week.

Foreclosures: 7.16.12


Chesterfield leads the way in foreclosures again this week, with mostly lowered price homes making up the properties.

Foreclosures: 7.9.12


Chesterfield County leads the pack this week in foreclosures. Plus some large residential lots near Stony Point, a commercial property on Chamberlayne, and lakefront property in Caroline County.

Foreclosures: 7.2.12


The bulk of the foreclosures this week are in Chesterfield County. Plus a commercial lot near VCU and three lots near the river in the City.

Foreclosures 6.25.12


More properties from Commonwealth Investment Properties, LLC and a $500,000 properties in Chesterfield and Goochland.

Foreclosures 6.18.12


A commercial building behind VCU and a commercial building on East Main Street. And more properties from Commonwealth Investment Properties. Plus a $700,000 property in Chesterfield.

Foreclosures 6.11.12


Properties in Church Hill, on Forest Hill in the City, plus two properties over $500,000 in Glen Allen, and $750,000 property in Chesterfield.

Foreclosures 6.4.12


Properties in the Museum District, on Forest Hill, and lots in Chesterfield. Plus a handful from Commonwealth Investment Properties, LLC.