Hurt by bad loans, firm expects loss of $143 million for ’09 (Virginian-Pilot)
Hampton Roads Bankshares Inc., hobbled last year by sour loans and an erosion of capital, said it expects to report a net loss of $143 million for 2009 largely because of a large provision for loan losses.
Stalled D.C. merchants look with optimistic eyes toward blossoming of H Street (Washington Post)
Still burdened with more empty lots and shuttered storefronts than it has veteran business owners or hopeful new entrepreneurs, there seems to be a consensus among the merchants of H Street that if they can weather the disruption of major construction, they will emerge with something a bit closer to an urban utopia than recent history has allowed.
Madoff Beaten in Prison (WSJ)
Bernard Madoff, who is serving a 150-year sentence in North Carolina for running a fraud scheme that cost investors billions of dollars, was physically assaulted by another inmate in December, according to three people familiar with the matter. And get this: he was giving investment advice to other inmates.
Advice on Personal Guarantees (Inc.)
If you’re looking for a small business loan, think twice before making a guarantee to the bank and putting yourself — and your assets — at risk. Here’s what you need to know.
States launch their own health care cost assaults (Fortune)
While Congress is immersed in a fierce debate about the future of America’s health insurance system, entrepreneurs from coast to coast face a crisis right now.
The Weekly Wind-Down: Michael Lewis chats with Jon Stewart (The Daily Show)
I am almost done with Lewis’ phenomenal new book, “The Big Short” and this video gives you an idea of why Lewis is by far the best business journalist alive. Anyone who is curious about how the financial house of cards collapse should watch it, and read the book.
Hurt by bad loans, firm expects loss of $143 million for ’09 (Virginian-Pilot)
Hampton Roads Bankshares Inc., hobbled last year by sour loans and an erosion of capital, said it expects to report a net loss of $143 million for 2009 largely because of a large provision for loan losses.
Stalled D.C. merchants look with optimistic eyes toward blossoming of H Street (Washington Post)
Still burdened with more empty lots and shuttered storefronts than it has veteran business owners or hopeful new entrepreneurs, there seems to be a consensus among the merchants of H Street that if they can weather the disruption of major construction, they will emerge with something a bit closer to an urban utopia than recent history has allowed.
Madoff Beaten in Prison (WSJ)
Bernard Madoff, who is serving a 150-year sentence in North Carolina for running a fraud scheme that cost investors billions of dollars, was physically assaulted by another inmate in December, according to three people familiar with the matter. And get this: he was giving investment advice to other inmates.
Advice on Personal Guarantees (Inc.)
If you’re looking for a small business loan, think twice before making a guarantee to the bank and putting yourself — and your assets — at risk. Here’s what you need to know.
States launch their own health care cost assaults (Fortune)
While Congress is immersed in a fierce debate about the future of America’s health insurance system, entrepreneurs from coast to coast face a crisis right now.
The Weekly Wind-Down: Michael Lewis chats with Jon Stewart (The Daily Show)
I am almost done with Lewis’ phenomenal new book, “The Big Short” and this video gives you an idea of why Lewis is by far the best business journalist alive. Anyone who is curious about how the financial house of cards collapse should watch it, and read the book.