“Spanky” Macher, Roanoke’s ex-tow truck magnate, charged with bankruptcy fraud, tax evasion (Roanoke Times)
Macher, an ex-restaurateur, towing magnate and landlord, said he was closing Spanky’s Towing business in April after he failed to get a state towing license. He became infamous for towing and booting parked cars, then charging high fees before giving them back.
Virginia stands to feel the most pain from defense cuts (Washington Post)
Virginia officials reacted with bipartisan dismay on Monday to Defense Department budget shifts that will cost the state thousands of jobs in coming years and will dramatically impact the economies of the Norfolk area and Northern Virginia.
Fed-Up Flight Attendant Makes Sliding Exit (NY Times)
After a dispute with a passenger who stood to fetch luggage too soon on a full flight just in from Pittsburgh, Mr. Slater, 38 and a career flight attendant, got on the public-address intercom and let loose a string of invective. Then, the authorities said, he pulled the lever that activates the emergency-evacuation chute and slid down, making a dramatic exit not only from the plane but, one imagines, also from his airline career.
Compensation gap between federal, private jobs doubles (USA Today)
At a time when workers’ pay and benefits have stagnated, federal employees’ average compensation has grown to more than double what private sector workers earn, a USA TODAY analysis finds.
Technology Basics for Business (WSJ)
It’s tough for any entrepreneur to make it—let alone succeed—without a heavy dose of tech. Here’s a primer on what you need.
Launching a Successful New Brand (Inc.)
You wouldn’t think that the jam business was ripe for disruption. But using his Gran’s recipe, a young Scottish entrepreneur named Fraser Doherty has launched a product line that is poised to go global.
“Spanky” Macher, Roanoke’s ex-tow truck magnate, charged with bankruptcy fraud, tax evasion (Roanoke Times)
Macher, an ex-restaurateur, towing magnate and landlord, said he was closing Spanky’s Towing business in April after he failed to get a state towing license. He became infamous for towing and booting parked cars, then charging high fees before giving them back.
Virginia stands to feel the most pain from defense cuts (Washington Post)
Virginia officials reacted with bipartisan dismay on Monday to Defense Department budget shifts that will cost the state thousands of jobs in coming years and will dramatically impact the economies of the Norfolk area and Northern Virginia.
Fed-Up Flight Attendant Makes Sliding Exit (NY Times)
After a dispute with a passenger who stood to fetch luggage too soon on a full flight just in from Pittsburgh, Mr. Slater, 38 and a career flight attendant, got on the public-address intercom and let loose a string of invective. Then, the authorities said, he pulled the lever that activates the emergency-evacuation chute and slid down, making a dramatic exit not only from the plane but, one imagines, also from his airline career.
Compensation gap between federal, private jobs doubles (USA Today)
At a time when workers’ pay and benefits have stagnated, federal employees’ average compensation has grown to more than double what private sector workers earn, a USA TODAY analysis finds.
Technology Basics for Business (WSJ)
It’s tough for any entrepreneur to make it—let alone succeed—without a heavy dose of tech. Here’s a primer on what you need.
Launching a Successful New Brand (Inc.)
You wouldn’t think that the jam business was ripe for disruption. But using his Gran’s recipe, a young Scottish entrepreneur named Fraser Doherty has launched a product line that is poised to go global.