Richmond BizSense

New Business Licenses: 12.16.22

stock licenses

This week’s licenses include infusion service, fingerprinting and an elevator firm. (BizSense Pro subscription required.)

The Docket: Local court roundup for 12.15.22

Docket of lawsuits in the Richmond region

A towing and storage business says it is due $125,000 for cleaning up the mess after an incident involving a trailer filled with 40,000 pounds of recycled metal. (BizSense Pro subscription required)

The Agenda: Local government briefs for 12.12.22

cloverleigh agenda

A 400-unit mixed-use development and a 100-lot subdivision are up for votes in Chesterfield, two subdivisions near Highland Springs are up for a vote, and Richmond considers a onetime 5-cent tax rebate.

Foreclosures: 12.12.22

stock foreclosures

Properties in Chesterfield, Colonial Heights, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, New Kent, Petersburg and Powhatan are listed this week. (BizSense Pro subscription required.)

New Business Licenses: 12.9.22

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This week’s licenses include a cheesemonger, a barber and restaurants. (BizSense Pro subscription required)