The Agenda: Local government briefs for 5.15.23

grove flournoy final

A final rendering of the planned apartment building at 3600 Grove Ave. (City documents)

Richmond City Council adopts FY24 budget, approves Grove Ave. apartments

At its meeting last week, the Richmond City Council adopted the city’s budget for fiscal year 2024. The $3 billion spending plan holds the line on current tax rates while increasing the general fund budget to nearly $949 million, a 13 percent jump from the current fiscal year budget.

The budget funds an 8 percent salary increase for most city employees and a step increase and plan adjustment that would see most sworn police officers and firefighters receive pay hikes of at least 5 percent. The adjustments would increase the city’s minimum wage to $18 an hour.

Funding for Richmond Public Schools would increase by over $21 million, or about 10 percent over the current budget, with $15 million set aside specifically for rehabbing Fox Elementary School, which was damaged in a fire early last year.

The budget takes effect July 1, the start of the fiscal year.

The council also approved Flournoy Development Group’s plan to build a six-story, 253-unit apartment building at 3600 Grove Ave., and a planned conversion of the former Manor at Woodland Heights building at 310 W. 31st St. into 19 apartments.

EDA signs off on Diamond District development agreement, land transfer


A rendering shows the new ballpark’s placement along with other components of the Diamond District’s first phase.

At a special meeting Friday, the Richmond Economic Development Authority accepted the city’s conveyance of the 60 city-owned acres that are part of the 67-acre Diamond District development site, and authorized the economic development director to execute the Diamond District development agreement with RVA Diamond Partners.

The actions followed the Richmond City Council’s approvals earlier in the week of the definitive agreements for the $2.4 billion mixed-use project that includes a new stadium to replace The Diamond. The EDA plans to sell the 60 acres in phases to RVA Diamond Partners, which would buy the remaining 7 acres that make up VCU’s Sports Backers Stadium in a separate transaction with the university.

The final terms’ approval tee up next steps, including completion of the new ballpark’s design, creation of a Diamond District financing authority and the start of construction, which RVA Diamond Partners anticipates early next year. Other steps include lease agreements with the Richmond Flying Squirrels and VCU, which also would use the new stadium.

TOD rezonings in Manchester on city planning agenda


TForce Freight’s Richmond headquarters at 1000 Semmes Ave. (BizSense file photo)

The Richmond Planning Commission meets Monday at 1:30 p.m. Full agenda here.

Business on the consent agenda includes a request from TForce Freight to rezone properties it owns at 1000 and 1100 Semmes Ave., 411 W. 12th St. and 1100 McDonough St. from Riverfront, Mixed-Use Business and Multifamily Urban Residential districts to TOD-1 Transit Oriented Nodal District.

The properties include TForce’s headquarters in Manchester and nearby parking lots or green areas. TForce told employees last fall it is preparing to list the HQ at 1000 Semmes Ave. for sale.

Also on the consent agenda is a resolution to approve a final community unit plan for Phase A of the Creighton Court redevelopment. The phase will involve constructing 68 townhomes and other multifamily dwelling units, open space, community space, public streets and alleys.

Hanover Planning Commission to consider rezoning tied to proposed car dealership

shalom baptist

The former church on the property remains boarded up years after Lidl purchased the site. (BizSense file)

The Hanover Planning Commission is scheduled to meet Thursday. Full agenda here.

On the commission’s docket is a car dealership proposed for a site in Mechanicsville where German grocer Lidl once planned to open a store.

Atlanta-based EH Automotive Group is seeking a rezoning approval that would set the stage for a new Kia dealership at 6395 Mechanicsville Turnpike. The dealership is expected to be the auto group’s first location in the Richmond region.

EH Automotive is seeking to rezone the property to general business district with conditions B-3(c) from the current neighborhood business district with conditions B-1(c).

Lidl bought the property in 2017 and is planning to sell the site to the auto group.

Goochland to hold info meetings this week about small-area plans

Goochland County plans to hold open houses on Tuesday and Thursday to provide information about the Courthouse Village and Centerville small area plans.

County staff and Timmons Group representatives will be on hand for presentations and to answer questions for each plan. The meetings will be livestreamed and recorded, according to a county news release.

The Centerville plan meeting will happen 6 p.m. May 16 at the Residence Inn at the Notch located at 1800 Wilkes Ridge Circle. The Courthouse Village plan’s open house is scheduled for 6 p.m. May 18 at the Goochland government administration building at 1800 Sandy Hook Road.

Copies of the plans can be found here.

grove flournoy final

A final rendering of the planned apartment building at 3600 Grove Ave. (City documents)

Richmond City Council adopts FY24 budget, approves Grove Ave. apartments

At its meeting last week, the Richmond City Council adopted the city’s budget for fiscal year 2024. The $3 billion spending plan holds the line on current tax rates while increasing the general fund budget to nearly $949 million, a 13 percent jump from the current fiscal year budget.

The budget funds an 8 percent salary increase for most city employees and a step increase and plan adjustment that would see most sworn police officers and firefighters receive pay hikes of at least 5 percent. The adjustments would increase the city’s minimum wage to $18 an hour.

Funding for Richmond Public Schools would increase by over $21 million, or about 10 percent over the current budget, with $15 million set aside specifically for rehabbing Fox Elementary School, which was damaged in a fire early last year.

The budget takes effect July 1, the start of the fiscal year.

The council also approved Flournoy Development Group’s plan to build a six-story, 253-unit apartment building at 3600 Grove Ave., and a planned conversion of the former Manor at Woodland Heights building at 310 W. 31st St. into 19 apartments.

EDA signs off on Diamond District development agreement, land transfer


A rendering shows the new ballpark’s placement along with other components of the Diamond District’s first phase.

At a special meeting Friday, the Richmond Economic Development Authority accepted the city’s conveyance of the 60 city-owned acres that are part of the 67-acre Diamond District development site, and authorized the economic development director to execute the Diamond District development agreement with RVA Diamond Partners.

The actions followed the Richmond City Council’s approvals earlier in the week of the definitive agreements for the $2.4 billion mixed-use project that includes a new stadium to replace The Diamond. The EDA plans to sell the 60 acres in phases to RVA Diamond Partners, which would buy the remaining 7 acres that make up VCU’s Sports Backers Stadium in a separate transaction with the university.

The final terms’ approval tee up next steps, including completion of the new ballpark’s design, creation of a Diamond District financing authority and the start of construction, which RVA Diamond Partners anticipates early next year. Other steps include lease agreements with the Richmond Flying Squirrels and VCU, which also would use the new stadium.

TOD rezonings in Manchester on city planning agenda


TForce Freight’s Richmond headquarters at 1000 Semmes Ave. (BizSense file photo)

The Richmond Planning Commission meets Monday at 1:30 p.m. Full agenda here.

Business on the consent agenda includes a request from TForce Freight to rezone properties it owns at 1000 and 1100 Semmes Ave., 411 W. 12th St. and 1100 McDonough St. from Riverfront, Mixed-Use Business and Multifamily Urban Residential districts to TOD-1 Transit Oriented Nodal District.

The properties include TForce’s headquarters in Manchester and nearby parking lots or green areas. TForce told employees last fall it is preparing to list the HQ at 1000 Semmes Ave. for sale.

Also on the consent agenda is a resolution to approve a final community unit plan for Phase A of the Creighton Court redevelopment. The phase will involve constructing 68 townhomes and other multifamily dwelling units, open space, community space, public streets and alleys.

Hanover Planning Commission to consider rezoning tied to proposed car dealership

shalom baptist

The former church on the property remains boarded up years after Lidl purchased the site. (BizSense file)

The Hanover Planning Commission is scheduled to meet Thursday. Full agenda here.

On the commission’s docket is a car dealership proposed for a site in Mechanicsville where German grocer Lidl once planned to open a store.

Atlanta-based EH Automotive Group is seeking a rezoning approval that would set the stage for a new Kia dealership at 6395 Mechanicsville Turnpike. The dealership is expected to be the auto group’s first location in the Richmond region.

EH Automotive is seeking to rezone the property to general business district with conditions B-3(c) from the current neighborhood business district with conditions B-1(c).

Lidl bought the property in 2017 and is planning to sell the site to the auto group.

Goochland to hold info meetings this week about small-area plans

Goochland County plans to hold open houses on Tuesday and Thursday to provide information about the Courthouse Village and Centerville small area plans.

County staff and Timmons Group representatives will be on hand for presentations and to answer questions for each plan. The meetings will be livestreamed and recorded, according to a county news release.

The Centerville plan meeting will happen 6 p.m. May 16 at the Residence Inn at the Notch located at 1800 Wilkes Ridge Circle. The Courthouse Village plan’s open house is scheduled for 6 p.m. May 18 at the Goochland government administration building at 1800 Sandy Hook Road.

Copies of the plans can be found here.

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