The Agenda

The Agenda: Local government briefs for 10.3.22

Agenda gertrudes1

The Richmond Planning Commission will consider permits for VUU tower signs and a Saint Gertrude High School apartment conversion. Chesterfield will discuss a plan for the future use of the old Matoaca Elementary School.

The Agenda: Local government briefs for 9.26.22

agenda VUUtowerSign WTVR

Virginia Union University’s illuminated tower signs and the proposed City Center rezoning will go before the Richmond City Council. A 50-unit townhome development and a private school were approved in Chesterfield.

The Agenda: Local government briefs for 9.19.22

agenda depot

Multi-use developments will be considered in Chesterfield, Richmond’s City Center rezoning is up for a vote, and Henrico establishes a county sports and entertainment authority.

The Agenda: Local government briefs for 9.12.22

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A grocery-anchored development is proposed in Midlothian, a private tennis facility is served up in Hanover, and the RRHA names a new chief executive.

The Agenda: Local government briefs for 8.29.22

Agenda SandstonLibrary

A grant deal for The Lake was OK’d, Henrico names a deputy county manager, a transit survey closes soon, Hanover’s land-use taxation program enrollment is kicking off, and Sandston Library will close for renovations.

The Agenda: Local government briefs for 8.22.22

Agenda The Lake

Petersburg opens a police substation with help from an area landlord, Henrico kicks off bond referendum meetings, and Chesterfield supervisors have a vote on a proposed grant pact for The Lake.

The Agenda: Local government briefs for 8.15.22

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Richmond will review a $70 million library renovation, a sports center at VCC is going vertical, and Chesterfield will consider a mixed-use development with 658 residential units.

The Agenda: Local government briefs for 8.8.22

Agenda sports

A sports and entertainment authority is in the works in Henrico, a 92-home subdivision is planned beside Harvie Elementary School, and Chesterfield nears a vote on a $540 million bond referendum.

The Agenda: Local government briefs for 8.1.22

The Agenda HanoverFirehouse

Hanover acquires a site for a new fire station, Chesterfield names a new general registrar and accounting director, and a longtime deputy is named Richmond’s city attorney.

The Agenda: Local government briefs for 7.25.22

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The City Council gets an update on the Diamond District redevelopment project, a 1,400-acre solar facility is up for a vote in Chesterfield, and Henrico details projects in its $511 million bond referendum this fall.