When water is the main ingredient of your business’s main product, a boil advisory is “pretty much a worst case scenario.”
The Brew
Booze News: 2024 was a year of ups and downs for local brewery industry
The Richmond-area beer scene has not been immune to broader industry troubles, as more local breweries closed in 2024 than any previous year since the craft beer boom began about 10 years ago.
Scott’s Addition’s Väsen Brewing expanding with Forest Hill taproom
Väsen is leasing the space from local firm Dodson Development Group, which bought it, along with the neighboring buildings housing The Locker Room and Riverside Tavern last year.
Owners of Brew Craft Bar & Kitchen in Chester opening new brewery next door
Craft owner Matt Verdisco will be the head brewer and namesake of Angry Man Brewing. His wife said their family has joked for years about his stern look and disposition.
Chester’s Dancing Kilt Brewery calls it quits after 4 years in business
“Customers don’t have money to spend because inflation’s eaten into their pockets and they have to pick and choose where they go,” Pakurar said. “Going out and having fun takes second place.”
Homebuilder’s long-planned Hopewell brewery is ‘full-speed ahead’
“We’re building a destination, and that’s why we’ve really taken our time,” said Good Ship Brewing’s Donnie Barber. “We’re not really in competition with anybody with this. In Hopewell there’s nothing else around here like this.”
Shuttered Steam Bell Beer Works files bankruptcy to liquidate assets
The Chapter 7 filling came just days after Steam Bell ceased operations after nine years in business. Its biggest debt is $720,000 owed to the SBA.
Local Stone Brewing employees look to unionize
“They’re asking for more money because they need more money. The cost of living in Richmond has gone through the roof,” said a rep for the Teamsters’ Local 322 branch, which is representing Stone’s local workers.
Chesterfield brewery Steam Bell Beer Works closes after decade in business
With Steam Bell’s lease expiring, the brewery was apparently unable to come up with a new location amid a challenging business landscape, according to a social media post on Friday that appeared to be written by owner Brad Cooper.
Region’s newest brewery, Brainstorm Brewhouse, opens within Scott’s Addition meadery
There’s already been some cross-pollination between Brainstorm and Black Heath Meadery, which uses fermented honey. One of Brainstorm’s initial beers is Buzz Worthy honey lager.