Another sizable project teed up near Topgolf in Westwood area of Henrico

jacque screenshot

The parking lot is located about a half-mile west of Topgolf. (Google Maps)

Plans for another new sizable apartment project are in play in the Westwood area of Henrico, just west of Scott’s Addition. 

A provisional use permit application has been filed with the county for a proposed 5-story, 241-unit building at 4115 Jacque St., near Topgolf.  

The 2.6-acre lot is just off Dabney Road in the burgeoning neighborhood that the county’s been promoting as fertile ground for development in recent years. 

The land is currently used as a parking lot. Marshall Land Company LLC, an entity tied to Outer Banks-based attorney M. Peebles Harrison of Rose Harrison Gilreath & Powers, paid $1.3 million for the plot in 2021, county records show. 

jacque siteplan

One of the site plans being considered for the development. (County documents)

The property owners filed for the provisional use permit, which is scheduled to be heard by Henrico’s Planning Commission at its meeting tonight (Thursday). 

The group’s attorney, Andy Condlin of Roth Jackson Gibbons Condlin, said that a developer isn’t under contract to take on the project, but that the owners have received significant interest and that the provisional use permit application is a preliminary step. 

“The applicant has seen the pattern of development occurring in the Westwood Area, particularly for older, underutilized properties,” Condlin said in an email. “This particular property is well situated for development given it currently serves primarily as a parking lot and is centrally located.”

jacque photo

The site is currently a parking lot. (Mike Platania photo)

County documents show the majority of the building’s 241 units would have one- or two-bedrooms and would include 8,000 square feet of amenity space and a 375-space parking deck. 

Poole & Poole Architecture is listed as the project architect. Timmons Group the engineer. 

Hundreds of apartments already have been built in the Westwood area in recent years, and over 1,000 more are in the queue. 

Spy Rock Real Estate Group is going vertical with a 245-unit building at 2001 Dabney Road and Fulton Hill Properties is planning an additional 253 apartments at the intersection of Thalbro and Westmoreland streets. 

Earlier this year the Ukrop family and Pivot Development announced plans for a major redevelopment of their 20-acre Ukrop’s Homestyle Foods complex that would include 1,000 units plus retail, restaurant, office and hotel uses. 

jacque screenshot

The parking lot is located about a half-mile west of Topgolf. (Google Maps)

Plans for another new sizable apartment project are in play in the Westwood area of Henrico, just west of Scott’s Addition. 

A provisional use permit application has been filed with the county for a proposed 5-story, 241-unit building at 4115 Jacque St., near Topgolf.  

The 2.6-acre lot is just off Dabney Road in the burgeoning neighborhood that the county’s been promoting as fertile ground for development in recent years. 

The land is currently used as a parking lot. Marshall Land Company LLC, an entity tied to Outer Banks-based attorney M. Peebles Harrison of Rose Harrison Gilreath & Powers, paid $1.3 million for the plot in 2021, county records show. 

jacque siteplan

One of the site plans being considered for the development. (County documents)

The property owners filed for the provisional use permit, which is scheduled to be heard by Henrico’s Planning Commission at its meeting tonight (Thursday). 

The group’s attorney, Andy Condlin of Roth Jackson Gibbons Condlin, said that a developer isn’t under contract to take on the project, but that the owners have received significant interest and that the provisional use permit application is a preliminary step. 

“The applicant has seen the pattern of development occurring in the Westwood Area, particularly for older, underutilized properties,” Condlin said in an email. “This particular property is well situated for development given it currently serves primarily as a parking lot and is centrally located.”

jacque photo

The site is currently a parking lot. (Mike Platania photo)

County documents show the majority of the building’s 241 units would have one- or two-bedrooms and would include 8,000 square feet of amenity space and a 375-space parking deck. 

Poole & Poole Architecture is listed as the project architect. Timmons Group the engineer. 

Hundreds of apartments already have been built in the Westwood area in recent years, and over 1,000 more are in the queue. 

Spy Rock Real Estate Group is going vertical with a 245-unit building at 2001 Dabney Road and Fulton Hill Properties is planning an additional 253 apartments at the intersection of Thalbro and Westmoreland streets. 

Earlier this year the Ukrop family and Pivot Development announced plans for a major redevelopment of their 20-acre Ukrop’s Homestyle Foods complex that would include 1,000 units plus retail, restaurant, office and hotel uses. 

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Victoria Woodhull
Victoria Woodhull
1 year ago

IMHO, this is an appropriate area to go vertical (5-10-20 stories) for housing. Now we just need the restaurants to come! Being the parking warrior that I am, this area that is being developed is commercial. So my guess is the current street parking should not be an issue until the new residential apartments get over 2-3K units (2K vehicles). Without parking garages, will people know how to street parallel park without taking up 2 spaces??

Peter James
Peter James
1 year ago

Five stories does not constitute “going vertical”. A five-story building barely – BARELY – qualifies as a “mid-rise”. I realize you’re quoting Mike’s reporting. I have all the respect in the world for Mike. He is an outstanding reporter – but he is absolutely incorrect in applying this term, particularly as it may relate to this project. Also – tell me: where in this RBS article is there ANY mention of construction in Westwood slated for 10 or 20 stories? Are there 20 story buildings planned in western Henrico that you’re privy to that the rest of us are not?… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by Peter James
Brian Glass
Brian Glass
1 year ago

Victoria: A 375 car deck is proposed for the development described above. Developers aren’t stupid. If there isn’t adequate parking their apartments won’t rent.

Victoria Woodhull
Victoria Woodhull
1 year ago
Reply to  Brian Glass

That is ONE parking deck. My point is that there is plenty of street parking today—I can’t speak for 4-5 more apartment buildings going up without the parking requirement given by the City recently. The parking the developers build usually does not sustain full capacity – even if developers build parking. But the street parallel parking will fill up fast if that is the only option for tenants. (and tenants who do not know how to parallel park and take up 2 spaces) The demand for rents in the Fan has not been deterred by the lack of “adequate” parking… Read more »

Peter James
Peter James
1 year ago

Westwood isn’t in the city.

Does Henrico have parking minimums for developers or does it not? What do rents or parking requirements in the Fan have to do with this project or any project in Westwood?

Apples and oranges comparison because the jurisdictions are different, the regulations are different, the property values, sizes, usages, etc., are different.

Again, context — and facts — matter.

Last edited 1 year ago by Peter James
Victoria Woodhull
Victoria Woodhull
1 year ago
Reply to  Peter James

Peter – stop mansplaining with the “facts matter” pat on the head. Again, this is an OPINION blog, and “context” is a subjective viewpoint. I am not a journalist – so let me opine without your snark.

My comments are because (as one poster said in another post) I am a parking warrior, AND the Westwood area is Scotts Addition adjacent, which is Fan adjacent which is why I incorrectly assumed this Dabney area of Westwood was still Richmond City.

My frustrating experiences of lack of parking contextualize my parking OPINION comments.

Peter James
Peter James
1 year ago

Victoria – we’ve engaged in good, productive debate/discussion in the past. No offense was intended, however anytime I see a misalignment of facts, I WILL point them out. Fact checking and clarification does not equate to mansplaining. Not my intent at all. What’s more, I very much enjoy engaging in lively discussion with you, whether or not we agree on a given issue. Re: your post is your opinion: that’s 100% fair. Ditto the mistaken assumption that Westwood is within the city limits because it’s adjacent to both Scott’s (to the east) and Sauer’s Gardens (to the south), both of… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by Peter James
Victoria Woodhull
Victoria Woodhull
1 year ago
Reply to  Peter James

Thanks for your post – yes I agree, respectful debate is ALWAYS appreciated. Off topic – YES to Wisk! As you recommended, the 6 layer cake was awesome!!! – especially their fudge frosting! I never had the Thalhimers “in the day”, so I cannot compare, but this cake was great. I tried the macaroon (great), and also some pudding that they are “known for”, and it was also wonderful. It is somewhat near me, so I will definitely be a frequent patron! Were you the commenter that said Westwood Bakery also had this cake? Maybe I will try Westwood’s becase… Read more »

Peter James
Peter James
1 year ago

I was gonna ask if you were around back in the day when Thalhimers was the gold standard of Richmond retailing. (Just don’t tell that to folks who worked or shopped at Miller & Rhoads). Oh Victoria – what a treat it was. I wish you could have experienced it. I don’t know you (obviously) but I’m certain you would have loved it. Honestly, there was nothing in this world like Thalhimers – both the store and the food! Westwood Bakery: That wasn’t me, I’m afraid. If you do go, I’ll be interested to know how you like it. Whisk… Read more »

Victoria Woodhull
Victoria Woodhull
1 year ago
Reply to  Peter James

Nope, I wasn’t around for the Thalhimers cake experience. I moved here from the midwest. When I went to Whisk, I asked if they made the Thalhimers spoonbread and they said no and being a midwest transplant – spoonbread is not really my thing….ha!

Bruce Milam
Bruce Milam
1 year ago
Reply to  Peter James

The Henrico required parking minimums are far too excessive. It should be an item between the developer and its lender.

Peter James
Peter James
1 year ago
Reply to  Brian Glass

Spot on, Brian. Nailed it! 👍

And what are we to make of those “extra” 134 parking spaces planned for the garage? Curious to know if the developer/building owner would use them for public parking. Contrary to what’s being asserted in the pushback, seems to me like this project will actually provide a rather sizeable surplus of parking, no?

Julie Wharff
Julie Wharff
1 year ago
Reply to  Peter James

Is it? Are you assuming that each apartment only will have one car? I’d thing some of them would be rented to folks with more than one car?

Carl Schwendeman
Carl Schwendeman
1 year ago

This is a cool development that is using a massive empty parking lot to make 241 units of new housing and more tax dollars. Also the 375 car parking garage will more then off set the parking lot lost.

But I really hope the County beefs up their sidewalk construction in this area and puts in 6 to 8 foot wide sidewalks and streetlights along this road to deal with all the new pedestrians.

But I really wish this building was 10 to 20 or 30 stories to deal with the massive demands for housing in this area.