Aaron Kremer

Aaron Kremer is the founder of Richmond BizSense. Email him at [email protected].

Foreclosures: 5.19.14


Three properties over $500,000 go on the block in Chesterfield and Hanover counties. A car lot in Chesterfield back on the list. Make sure you have BizSense Pro to see the full list each week.

The Docket: Court Roundup for 5.15.14

Court House 1

A Richmond company says it was scammed on the proposed purchase of rail cars for recycling. A woman wants $2.5M for what she claims were disfiguring injuries following plastic surgery. And a sonography student says a medical center failed him because he made a gender discrimination complaint. It’s time to go BizSense Pro and make sure you and your company have the most up-to-date intel on the Richmond business scene.

Foreclosures: 5.12.14


Two properties worth a half a million each are on the block in Hanover and Henrico counties. A house in Oregon Hill faces auction. Get the full list of foreclosures with your BizSense Pro subscription.