“A lot of people have asked when we’d expand to a different county because all the Chidos are in Henrico or Richmond,” its owner said. “I’m very excited to be here in Chesterfield.”
Mike Platania
Engineering firm VHB leaving Canal Crossing for James Center
The move to Two James Center will give the Boston-based firm and its 60 local employees more space as it also looks for more cohesion between its Richmond and Hampton Roads operations.
400 apartments planned for Northside site near Six Points
It’s one of two major housing developments Nashville-based Elmington is pursuing in Richmond and and, if approved, would be one of the highest-density lower income projects in the city in recent years.
Region’s newest brewery, Brainstorm Brewhouse, opens within Scott’s Addition meadery
There’s already been some cross-pollination between Brainstorm and Black Heath Meadery, which uses fermented honey. One of Brainstorm’s initial beers is Buzz Worthy honey lager.
Longtime Chili’s restaurant at VCU closes permanently
The closure ends a 16-year run for the restaurant, which was a founding tenant in the VCU-owned Cary & Belvidere dormitory when it opened in 2008.
Seasoned C’ville bakers opening cafe in new Forest Hill development
Janet’s Cafe & Bakery is expected to open next year at 4701 Forest Hill Ave., where a new three-story mixed-use building is currently taking shape on the site of a former bank branch.
Waukeshaw Development bringing 400 more apartments to Olde Towne Petersburg
“Investing in Petersburg has not always been the most easy story to tell. It takes a long time to get this momentum,” said Dave McCormack.
Trouvaille, new restaurant from former Shaved Duck owner, opens in the Fan
It’s one of three new restaurants to bring new life to older buildings in the surrounding area, joining the Texas Inn and Marylous Soul Dining Experience.
Thai restaurant’s fish-and-chips experiment spawns new British eatery downtown
“It became so popular within three months we’d equaled the sales of the Thai food,” said the co-owner of Thai Won On in Henrico. “It seems like good fish and chips are hard to come by in Richmond.”
‘This should be a community bridge’: Groups gather public input on future of Mayo Bridge
Held jointly by the Manchester Alliance, Shockoe Partnership and Bike Walk RVA, the meeting centered on the upcoming replacement of the 111-year-old bridge that connects Shockoe to Manchester via 14th Street.