Search Results for: boulevard

The Docket: Court Roundup for 2.22.12

Lots of disputes this week, including some interesting cases in the construction industry. For example, a contractor hired to fix a pond for the City of Richmond wants the court to approve higher compensation because the project was allegedly more complicated than the City said it was. Plus a woman claims she tripped in the buffet line at a Piccadilly restaurant when her foot got entangled in a mat.

Window shopping downtown

These commercial buildings along East Broad Street downtown are getting some much needed improvements. D.C.-based developer Douglas Jemal owns these, as well as the Central National Bank building and the Interbake factory on the Boulevard. Could they be next in line for a makeover?

Grand Plans

Richmond Mayor Dwight Jones delivered his second State of the City address last night to a packed audience at the newly renovated Hippodrome Theater in Jackson Ward, and had a lot to say about economic development and his vision for a spruced of city.