
Double shot gets new meaning


There all sorts of new gun laws being introduced this year by the Virginia legislature, but Starbucks is getting all the buzz when it comes to gun enthusiasts. The coffee chain is getting a lot of attention over their policy to allow customers to openly carry firearms in states that have open carry laws, including… Read more »

Gun dealers aim for big profits

Gun and ammo dealers will be counting extra profits this week; the election of Barack Obama is driving sales at gun shops from coast to coast. Frightened that Obama will infringe or restrict Second Amendment rights, buyers are stocking up on firearms, especially assault-type rifles that were banned during the Clinton Administration but became available… Read more »

Obama in, gun sales up??

Fears that an Obama presidency will place tighter restrictions on gun ownership have boosted sales at local gun stores, according to Richmond area firearm dealers. Almost all of the shops BizSense called said they saw increased sales leading up to Election Day. Workers at DeGoff’s Guns in Mechanicsville and Green Top Sporting Goods in Glen… Read more »