The Agenda

The Agenda: Local government briefs for 7.6.20

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Richmond gets its third police chief in as many weeks, two area governments weigh civilian review boards for their police departments, Henrico’s police chief takes retirement, and City Council members discuss police reforms and monument removals this week.

The Agenda: Local government briefs for 6.29.20


The state’s Phase Three reopening guidelines take effect this week, Richmond City Council talks police reform and monument removal, Powhatan taps a former Henrico official as its next county administrator, and a new round of business assistance grants roll out in Chesterfield.

The Agenda: Local government briefs for 6.15.20


Area governments roll out more financial help for businesses, a height extension request for a flagpole that has previously displayed a Confederate flag is up for review in Chesterfield, a Confederate-named rec center is renamed in Henrico and a similar change is proposed for Richmond’s Lee Bridge.

The Agenda: Local government briefs for 6.8.20

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An out-of-state company looks to move its headquarters to the region, a county strikes a deal with a private broadband internet provider, and surplus property designations stemming from the Navy Hill project highlight a slew of business on City Council’s plate this week.

The Agenda: Local government briefs for 6.1.20

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Richmond joins its neighbors in entering the state’s Phase One reopening guidelines, Chesterfield launches a grant program for businesses and gives a controversial development project a thumbs-up, and Petersburg sets aside street space to help restaurants provide outdoor dining.

The Agenda: Local government briefs for 5.18.20

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The Town of Ashland launches two initiatives aimed at helping businesses during the pandemic, a quarry operator looks to relocate its plant in Goochland, and some sizable developments are up for review this week in Chesterfield, Hanover and Richmond.

The Agenda: Local government briefs for 5.4.20


A county effort to prepare for the phased reopening of the state economy seeks industry representatives to participate in work groups, a controversial zoning request for a Wegmans facility in Hanover is up for a deciding vote, and applications continue to be accepted for the city’s small business disaster loan program.