Construction Management Solutions

More than one way to build a house

Two longtime business partners started a firm to create a more dynamic marketplace by connecting homebuyers with custom-home builders. And they think it might just get residents looking at new homes again by eliminating some of complexity and mistrust from the process.

Bright spots for homebuilders

Homebuilders have been eerily silent the past few quarters, but for builders in Chesterfield County, the market is starting to turn around. It’s another story on the other side of the River in Henrico, where building activity is still in a deep freeze. Homebuilders around Richmond say the main problem now is that most buyers can’t sell their existing homes.

Q&A: How are builders surviving the housing freeze?

BizSense has been keeping a close eye on building volume around Richmond, and if you’ve been reading you know it is down between 40 and 60 percent. Kevin Russell, vice president of Construction Management Solutions, has witnessed the slowdown firsthand. BizSense sat down with Russell at CMS’s office near the Chesterfield Airport to talk about… Read more »