Commercial Real Estate

Markel | Eagle snatches up 75 acres

Markel Eagle Nuckols Farm.pdf

A principal at the local private equity firm hints that a mixed-use development could be in the works for West Broad Street.

Another big bite on Hanover County’s line

DGIF headquarters

The state has inked a deal for 14.5 acres at the intersection of Lewistown Road and Lakeridge Parkway just off Interstate 95, the second big land deal in that section of Ashland in the past two weeks.

Victory for Oregon Hill apartments plan

The old Victory Rug building.

A local developer pulled off some last-minute acrobatics to send his controversial development sailing through the planning commission.

Massive outlet mall is no fish story

A California-based developer purchased 43 acres near the Winding Brook development in Ashland, where it plans a 392,000-square-foot mall.

Local apartments dragged down under

The 297-unit Seven Gables Apartments in Eastern Henrico.

Two suburban Richmond apartment complexes have become entangled in the collapse of an Australian real estate company.

Developer picks up a Justin French fumble

Louis Salomonsky has filed plans for a 42-apartment complex in Scott’s Addition and says his team is starting from scratch despite a previous development effort.