Pork politics

billsAn online political ad released Thursday by Mitt Romney’s campaign weighed in on a Richmond business story, implying that President Obama’s economic policies had a hand in the death of an 81-year-old barbecue joint.

“When President Obama took office, there was a lot of hope that things were going to change,” said Bill’s Barbecue President Rhonda Elliot. “Well, he didn’t change anything. There are more people on unemployment today, and that’s because the small businesses are failing — because we can’t make it. … We can’t stand four more years like it is today.”

Bill’s announced in September that that it was closing its last three stores. The chain had closed five of its eight remaining restaurants in April.

The two-and-a-half-minute ad closes with the words “Bill’s Barbecue couldn’t take four years under Obama. Can we afford four more?”

Although Bill’s had to shut its doors, at least three other barbecue joints have expanded this year locally: Dickey’s, Buzz & Ned’s and Q Barbecue have opened new locations in the past six moths. And Big’s Barbecue opened in June in Chesterfield.

Watch the ad below:


The Romney camp has seized on Bill’s closing in the final days of the campaign in a bid to nab swing voters in the deadlocked commonwealth. The Times-Dispatch’s Jim Nolan reported Thursday that the Romney campaign swung through Richmond and stopped at a shuttered Bill’s location near Boulevard and Broad.

Romney, according to the Times-Dispatch report said: “The owner of Bill’s told me she would close her doors” because of taxes, regulations and ‘Obamacare’. Those three things are crushing small businesses across America.'”

billsAn online political ad released Thursday by Mitt Romney’s campaign weighed in on a Richmond business story, implying that President Obama’s economic policies had a hand in the death of an 81-year-old barbecue joint.

“When President Obama took office, there was a lot of hope that things were going to change,” said Bill’s Barbecue President Rhonda Elliot. “Well, he didn’t change anything. There are more people on unemployment today, and that’s because the small businesses are failing — because we can’t make it. … We can’t stand four more years like it is today.”

Bill’s announced in September that that it was closing its last three stores. The chain had closed five of its eight remaining restaurants in April.

The two-and-a-half-minute ad closes with the words “Bill’s Barbecue couldn’t take four years under Obama. Can we afford four more?”

Although Bill’s had to shut its doors, at least three other barbecue joints have expanded this year locally: Dickey’s, Buzz & Ned’s and Q Barbecue have opened new locations in the past six moths. And Big’s Barbecue opened in June in Chesterfield.

Watch the ad below:


The Romney camp has seized on Bill’s closing in the final days of the campaign in a bid to nab swing voters in the deadlocked commonwealth. The Times-Dispatch’s Jim Nolan reported Thursday that the Romney campaign swung through Richmond and stopped at a shuttered Bill’s location near Boulevard and Broad.

Romney, according to the Times-Dispatch report said: “The owner of Bill’s told me she would close her doors” because of taxes, regulations and ‘Obamacare’. Those three things are crushing small businesses across America.'”

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E Walters
E Walters
11 years ago

For Rhonda Elliot to blame the closing of Bill’s on the president is just plain pathetic. Bills closed because they were not able to serve what people want. The BBQ was steamed not smoked and just not very good. It may have been fine when we had no good BBQ places here but that’s changed. Q, Buz and Ned’s and all the other real BBQ joints are actually doing very well. If it was the presidents policies do you think those other businesses would be expanding during his term? OK, they had decent Limeade…

11 years ago

I’m not even voting for Obama and I’ll gladly say the reason this place closed was because the food sucked and they were outdated. 80 years is impressive… 80 years OLD though isn’t. Small businesses are thriving… your fault alone, this one wasn’t Obama’s problem. Please don’t vote for Romney either, we already have enough idiots on both sides of politics.

11 years ago

Wow! Not sure how informed you are to the world out there but the majority of small business are NOT thriving under the current economy/administration. I know many business owners are holding their collective breathes, praying for change from the change. Yes, some business are expanding but the ones that are shutting their door or downsizing far outweight any expansions. Smell the coffee people!

11 years ago
Reply to  Roxanne

Roxanne I’m not speaking specifically to the “world” of small business, but Richmond small businesses are doing just fine. Look at the other small BBQ shops in Richmond and you’ll see what I mean. Alamo, Q Barbecue, Buz and Neds, Hog Wild, etc…

Bill’s failed because they sucked… not because of the government. Republican or liberal on this issue doesn’t matter… that’s just a ridiculous statement.

11 years ago
Reply to  Roxanne
Virginia Carlisle
Virginia Carlisle
11 years ago

Well. As a resident of Richmond for over twenty-five years, I can attest to the fact that Bill’s hasn’t been a factor in the local “restaurant” scene for over twenty. Bad food. Health violations. And a declining clientele due to those problems, as well as the fact that they are surrounded by McDonalds, Hardees, Burger King, and other competitors… all of whom are doing just fine in “the Obama economy”. I feel sad for Bill’s closing, but feel more sad that their owner has allowed the Romney campaign to capitalize on his misfortune. Until today, I myself was leaning toward… Read more »

11 years ago

I’m confused… does the conservative business owner want the government’s help or not? If the conservative small business owner flaunts that they “built it” and denies the governments help, how can they blame the government when they fail?

11 years ago

Neither taxes nor regulation nor O’wowzercare killed the pantless pigs, it was a 1970s product that tasted terrible when the marketplace evolved.

bill grishaw
bill grishaw
11 years ago

So, the message wasn’t that Bill’s closed, but it closed because of the climate and economy in Richmond, Virginia. So my question is, “Is it that bad around here?”. I have had the privilege of being involved with many Richmond and Virginia funded media campaigns to draw new business, more residents and attract visitors….inviting anyone who would like to come here and share in all that our city has to offer. The message our city delivered was optimistic and compelling, expressed in detail with verifiable statistical data, beautiful footage of the vibrant, local scenery, the unique sights and sounds of… Read more »

11 years ago
Reply to  bill grishaw

Well said Bill!

Tammy D
Tammy D
11 years ago
Reply to  Andrew

I second that – well said indeed!

Mighty Casey
Mighty Casey
11 years ago
Reply to  bill grishaw

Perfectly stated, Bill. The now-shuttered Bill’s BBQ was a big fat bucket of “meh,” with a side order of frequent health violations. If Rhonda Elliot wanted to succeed, she needed to re-invent her business’ brand, which was “Bill’s sucks, except maybe the limeade.” Had she really been a businessperson, she would have done a competitive analysis, seen what was being done in the RVA market in quick-service local spots, and figured out how to remodel success. She didn’t. She squandered the 80 years of history about which she’s whining. And now it’s the President’s fault? Double #fail. In fact, my… Read more »

Charles Batchelor
Charles Batchelor
11 years ago
Reply to  bill grishaw

Yeah, good point–if Richmond did not get thrown under the bus by the GOP here, they got shoved in that direction. I thought it was just me, that I didn’t “get it” about Bill’s BBQ, although I traveled the south in my work and ate a lot of bbq and there was nothing else like Bill’s. Maybe the worst I had anywhere. But the comment above from Morgan is exactly what I was thinking…. Blame the government for for the problems of an individual business? Isn’t that exactly against what Mitt Romney is suppose to stand for, was not he… Read more »

M. Tweedy
M. Tweedy
11 years ago

The owner can not blame the loss of the business to the President. Poor management,a recipe and business plan that has not changed in over 100 yrs is to blame. Your clientelle is over 65 and not getting younger and oh what about competiton. Bud & Ned is right down the street and they are busy all the time…Face it..your food is nasty…and that’s why you are closed. Maybe you should sell desserts and limeaid..that’s your niche in the market..Best Wishes

11 years ago

If the success or failure of small BBQ restaurants is the fault of the president then we need one more term. The influx of new BBQ places would suggest that things are not going backward but moving forward. Bills BBQ was just plain bad. Sorry Bill’s, don’t blame your poor food on the pres.

Phil H.
Phil H.
11 years ago

This ad is ridiculous. No President caused this chain to fail. Their business was flagging under Bush—#41. They failed to recognize the need to change in a changing and competittive market, and that’s what did them in. The quality of the food was poor, the facilities ancient and the mindset of management was caught up in the past. Richmond has one of the most vibrant and exciting restaurant scenes anywhere. Check out the revitalization along Broad Street, read Style magazine about new openings, look at how many chain restaurants have opened along West Broad and Midlothian. I’m sorry a local… Read more »

John Chewning
John Chewning
11 years ago

I definitely want LESS government, not more and the current president has not done much for main street and consumer confidence .However it is very wrong for Bill’s demise being blamed on Obama.

D Papa
D Papa
11 years ago

What will Bill’s next political statment be? Maybe this:
“There is no such thing as global warming. If it had gotten hotter, we would have sold more limeade and we would still be in business!”

11 years ago

Virginia’s unemployment is 2% lower then the national average. I believe it comes in at 6.2%. Still a bit high but so much better than some with double digits. Hard to blame the recession when we are doing so much better than others in this area. Excuses are easy to come by. Getting things done by evolving take guts, brains and sweat are something Virginians do well.

Richard Freeman
Richard Freeman
11 years ago

Hated the barbeque but loved the limeaid! Rhonda did you ever eat your own food? It was terrible! I am surprised that you made it as long as you did. I suggest that you might want to learn from this and move forward with a better barbeque. I know a great taste that you can get from Destin, FL with a delightful array of sauces.

11 years ago

I cringed when I heard Mitt mention this in his speech at The Meadow yesterday. Someone gave him bad information. They failed because their food was terrible.

Eric Hews
Eric Hews
11 years ago

Their limeade was great, but that was about it. Bill’s was an outdated restaurant concept with sub-par food & service and catered to an older, thriftier demographic. What with all the higher-concept barbecue places popping up (and doing well), they didn’t stand a chance.

11 years ago

I was a Romney voter–But after the Jeep and The GM lie and now the Bills BBQ B S, I am rethinking my choice,and moving over to Obama. Had Romney ate at Bills he would understand that they closed because the BBQ was terrible….Check out NEZ & BUDS

Cynthia Oliver
Cynthia Oliver
11 years ago
Reply to  Murphy

Is it really Romney’s fault that he couldn’t taste the BBQ & was relying on his advisors? That doesn’t make him the liar! I agree the ad should be removed. But I do know small business owners who are complaining that policy, taxes & health care cost are really hurting them.

Taylor Steele
Taylor Steele
11 years ago

So if it’s Obama’s fault tha Bills closed, I guess it’s also his fault that Buzz & Neds expanded?

Chris Terrell
Chris Terrell
11 years ago

If all politics is local, and Romney links the demise of Bill’s Barbecue to big bad government, sigh…… I am an independent and wanted to vote for Romney, but the constant lying is just too much for me. This ad is the icing on the cake. It is wrong on so many levels, starting first and foremost with the failure to take personal responsibility, and isn’t that what the GOP espouse so heartily? I’m sorry Bill’s never modernized, but every soul in Richmond that ever ate there knows exactly whose fault that is.

11 years ago
Reply to  Chris Terrell

If you are concerned about deceit… You need to do further research on the democratic candidate.

As a registered democrat who voted as such in the last election….I have learned A LOT about ” who talks the talk and who walks the walk” Pres. Obama is a smooth talker.
Fool me once –

11 years ago

This is so absurd. I don’t know whether to laugh or be concerned.

11 years ago

I happen to agree with your comments on the food, etc. at Bill’s. I think they failed to change with the times and their demographic aged and died off. With that said, I also do not think that the current adminstration’s policies have helped small business one iota. I stand by my comment that the negative effects (i.e. small business layoffs and shutdowns) far outweight any positives we have seen. You’re taking a few examples of expansion and applying it to the overall pulse of small business.

11 years ago
Reply to  Roxanne

But in the same respect you need to realize the small business bubble was far too big. Same as the housing market when people were buying up houses they couldn’t afford… far too many Americans started businesses they couldn’t afford. I’m conservative and will fight for the American dream, land/property ownership, freedom to work, etc… but I’ll 100% argue that Obama is not the reason small businesses fail or succeed. That’s just absurd. The PEOPLE are the reason they fail/succeed… the administration if anything, republican or democratic, has helped dwindle down all the bad businesses and made people to rethink… Read more »

Melissa Savenko
Melissa Savenko
11 years ago

Awww….I actually love(d) Bill’s BBQ. Maybe it’s just nostalgia, I grew up on it. When my aunt from Seattle came back to Richmond to visit, we always picked up Bill’s for her first meal, at her request. Whatever caused the restaurant to close, I’m just sad to see another Richmond tradition go.

11 years ago

You need to look at big picture in context of Bill’s story. After 4 years – no improvement in employement – its actually worse if you consider those they have stopped looking. This is AFTER an $8M stimulus wasted on ‘green’ and other pork (not barb-a-cue) projects that we polical paybacks for Prez. Obama wants Fed Gov to take over Healthcare, Energy and Education – this is reciepe for disaster not only for small biz like Bill’s but for overall prosperity for country. If this ad or any other sways you vote – you are a poser and have no… Read more »

11 years ago

My last time at Bill’s was 15 years ago. I found a used bandaid in my barbecue and haven’t been back since!

11 years ago

Rhonda Elliot, shame on you. To blame someone else for your failure – you must be part of the “47%” that Romney speaks of…with the victim mentality, who can not seem to take personal responsibility. Simply put, the BBQ was disgusting…boiled flavorless pork, scooped from a bucket. I truly believe that it was Bill’s BBQ that help spawn the rise of other BBQ joints…I’m sure each and everyone of them knew that they could do much better…and did just that. If Mitt Romney had ever eaten there he would know. I don’t think he would even feed such slop to… Read more »

11 years ago

Large mega Bar-be-que chains ( much like large gov.) have deep pockets and are taking advantage of the poor economy to swallow up the markets of family owned small businesses like Bill’s.
Small businesses in every sector are being devoured by big business or bing beaten out by the deep pockets afforded to the mega chains.
Much like Obamas big government will do to our hope for the “American Dream”

11 years ago
Reply to  Mandy

Large, mega barbecue chains?! You don’t live here do you..?

11 years ago
Reply to  navia

Haha I thought the same thing when reading. Also, if the Large MegaBBQChains are taking over the world why are Q, Alamo, and Buzz’s doing so well?

Taylor Steele
Taylor Steele
11 years ago
Reply to  Ike

exactly. In fact Bills was more of a “big” business than Buzz & Neds, Alamo, etc. I may not know from personal experiance who has the best BBQ since I don’t eat meat, but everyone I know who likes BBQ(alot, its Richmond) loves Buzz & Neds, Alamo, etc. but could not stand Bills.

R Sweeney
R Sweeney
11 years ago

Bill’s had a disease. A bad one. Poor management. It led to poor service. It led to lowered quality of food. It led to lack of investment in the physical restaurants. But… they could have limped along for a few more years without some gifts from the Obama admin. Like a recession that will not end, how many times need Keynesian spending based on borrowing be shown to NOT work before nations abandon it? Like from the cost of money. Government is essentially soaking up liquidity by giving banks free money, then borrowing it back at 3%. This has made… Read more »

Charles Batchelor
Charles Batchelor
11 years ago
Reply to  R Sweeney

Great scott…what bull pucky… Just to pick one. “Like higher food prices thanks to the continued conversion of food into fuel, despite a drought, the continued escalation of regulatory costs on the pork industry…” This internet thingy is pretty cool. Take 30 seconds and you’ll find this from March 2008 quote: “President Bush said the United States should ‘get off oil’ Wednesday as crude prices hit record highs and renewed his support for ethanol use despite concerns the corn-based fuel is driving up food prices and isn’t more environmentally friendly than gasoline. …” http://money.cnn.com/2008/03/05/news/bush_ethanol/index.htm Romney has a plan, as George… Read more »

Faye Ashby
Faye Ashby
11 years ago

Forty years ago Bill’s BBQ was good,of course at that time, there was nothing else to compare it too! Now, people know too much about what good food should taste like and are much too sophisticated to settle for such a tasteless, boiled pork sandwich. Too bad you couldn’t have made a living from selling just limeades!

Bryan Miller
Bryan Miller
11 years ago

Having lived in Richmond my entire life (47 years), I’ve eaten at Bills since I was old enough to stand. I used to love going down to the store near Broad & Blvd, Patterson & Libbie, Belt Blvd, etc. Back then, the food was good, hot, the waitstaff actually looked like they cared whether you walked in or not, and the stores were clean. Fast forward to the past 5-10 years and all of that was gone. Except for the pies (not much of a Limeade fan but I heard they were really good), I never went there anymore. The… Read more »

Mike Jones
Mike Jones
11 years ago

I don’t see why some comments state that Romney lied, the owner made the comment that fired the message of the ad. Also, he has never eaten there so how would he know the food was poor. He simply piggy backed on a comment from a disappointed business owner that had closed her family’s life long business and she blamed it on the poor economy that we have had for 4 years. We are fortunate in Richmond that we have a diverse economy but there are many areas in the country that are suffering and the trillion dollar stimulus package… Read more »

11 years ago
Reply to  Mike Jones

He paid for and endorsed the ad. It’s also likely that he suggested Rhoda go on record and say these things. Oh and you can bet his campaign team wrote the script. Sure, Rhoda may have felt this way, but Romney and his team orchestrated the entire debacle. Also, you’re right he probably never ate there, and he definitely didn’t do his research. Yet, he still made the decision to orchestrate and approve that message. But this is the guy you want calling the shots for the country? #wake up and don’t be swayed by the talking points!

11 years ago

What a delight to see the response to this pathetic piece of propaganda! Romney and Rhonda must be desperate.

11 years ago
Reply to  Paula

Yes, you are right and I will attest to that – we are desperate for change to the change!!!!

Taylor Steele
Taylor Steele
11 years ago
Reply to  Paula

I do find it to be quite funny Paula…..and typical.

11 years ago

John Chewning: Your comment, “I definitely want LESS government, not more and the current president has not done much for main street and consumer confidence ” demonstrates quite well the hypocrisy of anti-government rants. Which are you more angry about, John: too much government, or not enough government? You really should pick one.

Tami Amburn
Tami Amburn
11 years ago

Bill’s food was bad. Don’t think the econmoy had anything to do with it.

Taylor Steele
Taylor Steele
11 years ago

This reminds me of the guy who owns the Hookah bar on Grace St in the old Burger King. The property in unkept, weeds growing out of everything a weed can sprout out of, tinted windows(or maybe they are just dirty) etc. Looks like an abandoned property…..yet he is suing VCU & the city for the fact that his business is not doing well. If you cannot make a hookah bar work, a block from a college which has 30K plus students, maybe you should look at yourself?

11 years ago

This ad really pissed me off and I am not afraid to say it. Blaming the President for the failure of your lackluster, poorly run, dirty, unfriendly, bad food-serving, lasted 20 years too long restaurant is just as ridiculous as a presidential hopeful paying for and writing a script for you to complain rather than taking responsibility for “phoning it in” for decades. Let’s just, for one moment, remember that they had TWO exact same restaurants less than a MILE from one another on Boulevard!!!! I might not be a restaurant savant, but I would bet that there aren’t many… Read more »