Aaron Kremer

Aaron Kremer is the founder of Richmond BizSense. Email him at [email protected].

NewsFeeds 9.7.10

Carilion leaders see pay take dip (Roanoke Times) Three of the top officers of the health care giant saw some decrease in their 2008 compensation. Housing Woes Bring a New Cry: Let the Market Fall (NY Times) As the economy again sputters and potential buyers flee — July housing sales sank 26 percent from July… Read more »

NewsFeeds 9.3.10

Local cities lose bond fees to the state (Inside Business) It’s a classic standoff between the powers in Richmond and localities, which are struggling with budget cutbacks, unfunded pensions and slipping services. The issue: approving bonds and the administrative fees associated with the them Bars, restaurants face new taxes with privatization (Times-Dispatch) The money would… Read more »

NewsFeeds 9.2.10

Virginia Retirement System’s chief investment officer leaving (Times-Dispatch) The Virginia Retirement System fared well with market investments in the past year, but now the $47.7 billion pension system is about to lose its chief investment officer. HR Bankshares seeks OK from shareholders for plan (Virginian-Pilot) The stakes of existing shareholders in Hampton Roads Bankshares Inc…. Read more »

NewsFeeds 9.1.10

Virginia entities OK’d for early-retirement insurance program (Times-Dispatch) Nearly four dozen Virginia companies, governments and unions have been approved for a temporary federal program that will help employers pay high-cost claims of early retirees not yet eligible for Medicare. Williamsburg Pottery to move into new retail complex (Virginian-Pilot) To attract new shoppers and bolster sagging… Read more »