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New Business Licenses: 6.7.24

stock licenses

A filmmaker, a communications firm and restaurants are on this week’s list. (BizSense Pro required)

The Docket: Local court roundup for 6.6.24

Richmond lawsuits of the week

An apartment developer claims that an architectural firm’s mistakes led to substantial redesign costs, construction costs and delays. (BizSense Pro required)

Foreclosures: 6.10.24

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A number of this week’s auctions are the result of homeowner association debts. (BizSense Pro required)

The Agenda: Local government briefs for 6.3.24

daniel park improvements chesterfield Cropped

Richmond’s EDA signs off on bonds for the Diamond District project, and Chesterfield ballparks rebranded as The Diamonds at Iron Bridge open this week. (BizSense Pro required)

Foreclosures: 6.3.24

stock foreclosures

A $362,000 home in Hanover is the top property scheduled for auction. (BizSense Pro required)