Commercial Real Estate

Land trade launches delayed outlet project

A long-anticipated Hanover County outlet mall is starting to take shape after its developer made an agreement with a neighboring manufacturing firm.

Longtime retailer clears out of East Grace

In the changing downtown shopping and dining scene, the property’s broker says she’s looking for another retailer or restaurant to fill the space after a 50-year-old uniform shop moves to the West End.

Two local hotels swept up in huge Hyatt deal

In the latest of many recent local hotel sales, two Richmond Hyatts will change ownership later this fall as part of a $580 million nationwide deal.

Blue Bell scoops up land for Ashland facility

The ice cream giant recently bought more than two acres in Hanover County to build a 14,000-square-foot freezer and distribution center in an upcoming 400-acre development park.

‘My actions will cost me everything’

Jefferson’s plan to flee the country did not weigh heavily into the judge’s sentencing decision, reasoning that most white-collar criminals with the means to skip town instead of pleading guilty probably consider the idea.

The judge was more upset with Jefferson’s spending of millions of dollars that could have been used for restitution.

Developer revamps $38M apartment plan

Seeing a bigger market for affordable housing than commercial space, the development firm wants to double the number of planned apartments in the final piece of a Petersburg complex.