
Nonprofit financial firm heads to Norfolk

A bank and nonprofit lender on projects aimed at low- and moderate-income residents has launched a new office in Norfolk to be closer to its work in that part of the state.

Black History Museum taps new director

Tasha Chambers Black History Museum ftd

As the museum gets closer to its move into the Leigh Street Armory building in Jackson Ward, a ChildFund alum has taken over the role of director.

Fundraising blitz raises $1.84M

Amazing Raise ftd

A 36-hour fundraiser benefitting 550 local nonprofits wrapped up last night, falling short of its $2 million goal, but still raking in some big donations and prizes for area charities.

Secret donors give CenterStage $6M boost

The performing arts nonprofit is now just a few million shy of its fundraising goals for its endowment and Altria Theater renovation project, following two large gifts from anonymous donors.

Nonprofit chapter taps new CEO

James Taylor United Way ftd

The local United Way has finished its search for a new top exec, pulling in the longtime leader of an Indiana chapter who will start next month.