Search Results for: vcu

A less enviable 1 percent club

All but three of the 11 hospitals that serve the Richmond area stand to take at least a small financial hit over the next year due to new penalties that went into effect this month.

The Docket: Local court roundup for 10.4.12

Five suits filed against Kings Dominion this week. Several construction-related suits including a contractor claiming unpaid bills from a VCU housing project. And a professor is suing a local university. Get full access to all the cases with BizSense Pro.

The Docket: Court Roundup for 9.26.12

Our craziest Docket ever, with cases involving fraternity hazing, dentists, real estate, banks and a shuttered funeral home that allegedly didn’t take proper care of a customer’s deceased love one. Warning: Contains graphic content.

Monday Q&A: School spirit by the square foot

Robert Taylor is about as VCU as it gets, and he’s leading the effort to prepare for the ever-growing annual VCU Real Estate Conference.

Filed under: Q&A

Preheat to 178 units

The rehabilitation of the former Interbake cookie factory at the corner of Boulevard and Broad Streets is ready to go in the oven.