One of the region’s youngest breweries is giving itself a first-birthday gift by ramping up production capacity to 7,000 barrels.
Mike Platania
Coworking space gathers chunk of West Broad Village
The coworking trend is spreading to Short Pump and filling a commercial space that’s been vacant since it was developed nearly a decade ago.
Idle Hands Bread Co. opens new Fan spot
The need for another bakery arose when its Brook Road building couldn’t power a new oven that was financed by a crowdsourcing campaign.
Downtown Greek deli nets its new home
After selling its longtime downtown storefront earlier this summer, a 60-year-old local deli and wholesale business has sealed the deal for its West End relocation.
Local beer scene’s newest pairing: Lickinghole and Shockoe Bottom
Changing course from a previously announced expansion into Lynchburg, the local brewery is making a detour into Shockoe.
Bon Secours announces yet another plan for Westhampton School
The hospital system’s new plans include building a 55,000-square-foot, three-story medical office building just north of the school facing Libbie Avenue.
Gluten-free bakery rises in Mechanicsville
After five years of selling wholesale and through delivery and farmers’ markets, a local gluten-free and vegan bakery has its first dedicated retail storefront.
Local payments startup hauls in some cash
With $450,000 in the bag, a 4-year-old Richmond startup has hit a milestone in its second swipe at raising capital.
With class of 3, new West End private school awaits opening bell
The “first day of school” is approaching for most schools in the area, but for a nascent local private institution, that term has literal significance.
Vasen Brewing signs first distribution deal
The city’s newest brewery has struck a pact to get its beers flowing from taps beyond its recently opened facility in Scott’s Addition.