
A playbook for real life

The University of Richmond men’s basketball coach share a few nuggets of wisdom at a business school event.

Black, gold and green

Virginia Commonwealth University is expanding its sustainability curriculum for local business people.

Business fantasy camp

A philanthropic alumnus of a local business school wants to make sure students get plenty of practice at the kind of skills best honed outside the classroom.

He said, they said

The legal sparring between a for-profit college and a disgruntled local student is likely headed for a jury trial in the spring.

WaPo: VCU budget cuts “unfolding disaster”

The Washington Post published a scathing editorial on how budget cuts for public universities in the state is threatening to undo the strides made by Virginia Commonwealth University over the last decade. The Post describes VCU has the fastest growing school in state history, citing the addition of more than 8,000 students over the last… Read more »

Short Pump U

Another for-profit private university is cropping up in Short Pump, leasing more than 50,000 square feet at the former S&K Menswear warehouse.

Knowledge is good

Ten days after the University of Richmond set the date for the first information session about next fall’s MBA program, the 40 available seats were already reserved.

VCU Business School dean leaving in June

Michael Sesnowitz, dean of the VCU Business School and an instrumental figure in the money-raising and design of the new business school building, will be leaving the dean chair at the end of June. In an email sent out to the VCU faculty on Aug. 28, Sesnowitz said that he first accepted the VCU deanship… Read more »

UVA grads make more than VT grads; both earn more than VCU grads

Where you go to college can have a huge effect on how much you make over your career, even more than your major. The differences get magnified later in life. A yearlong study conducted by the compensation company PayScale Inc. found that Virginia Tech grads earned more upon graduating than UVA grads. But after ten… Read more »