David Larter

Business Licenses 7.30.09

The best new business names this week: A Man, A Truck and a Dog, and The Furniture Doctor.

So long, 40-hour workweek

A new survey says that most workers are not just working nine to five any more.

Troubled awning firm files for bankruptcy

An awning company that’s been around for more than 100 years and recently took deposits for work it never finished has filed for bankruptcy. Some clients and vendors will have to watch the process to see whether they will get their money back.

How about we share?

Some self-employed business owners are setting up office-shares to defray costs and to have warm bodies around to bounce around ideas. And three local entrepreneurs think they have a better alternative to the growing throngs of self-employed Richmonders who use Starbucks and Panera as their de facto offices.