Katie Demeria

Bon Secours moves into new territory

Bon Secours Latham Solomon ftd

The health system has set up shop in Shockoe Bottom, the first large-scale health firm to move into the neighborhood. The new office is aimed at drawing in some of the Bottom’s growing number of young residents for preventative care.

Medical office in the works at Short Pump

Town Center West

Two doctors and a developer have gone in on the $5 million second phase of a Short Pump development that it aims to fill with other medical practices.

New law firm lays downtown foundation

Innovista Law Carter Eberhart Bowser ftd

After breaking off from a huge firm in Washington to found their own practice, two attorneys are bringing their venture to the busy downtown law scene.

Jefferson properties draw new buyer interest

2903 Monument Ave 620

At a hearing on Tuesday, lawyers for imprisoned developer Billy Jefferson’s real estate entities hinted that the massive apartment portfolio has found new buyers.

Law firm pushes into new market

LeClairRyan Hutchins Wiech

Barely a month after announcing further expansion in California, a downtown law firm making its first move into Atlanta.

Nonprofit hotel kicks off major renovation

Hospital Hospitality House ftd

A nonprofit that houses hospital patients and their families is kicking off the first part of a large-scale renovation plan with help from local companies working pro bono.

Nonprofit lands larger home

Atlee Commons

A housing nonprofit is creating a new home for itself in Mechanicsville and will replace two businesses in an Atlee Road shopping center.