Hanover County presents its proposed budget for the coming fiscal year and Henrico votes on a $50 million development proposed in the county’s Westwood area.
The Agenda
The Agenda: Local government briefs for 2.4.19
Planning commissions meet this week in Goochland and Richmond, and a look ahead to upcoming agendas in Chesterfield and Henrico. Main Street Homes’ plan for up to 157 houses in Centerville is up for review this week.
The Agenda: Local government briefs for 1.29.19
A longtime Chesterfield business opens new facilities at the county airport, the regional airport commission meets this week, an area credit union signs on as a county event sponsor, and proposals to block a Brook Road bike lane and permit dockless vehicles go to city council.
The Agenda: Local government briefs for 1.22.19
Woolridge Investment Co.’s development proposal goes before Chesterfield supervisors; Henrico and Richmond planning commissions meet; and Mayor Stoney prepares his State of the City address.
The Agenda: Local government briefs for 1.15.19
Planning commissions meet in Chesterfield and Hanover, Richmond City Council meets in regular session, and Henrico supervisors elect a new chairman and vice chair.
The Agenda: Local government briefs for 1.7.19
Various boards reconvene to resume business in the new year. Historic Housing’s planned continuation of its Cooperage apartments goes before the city planning commission, kicking off a busy week in Richmond.
The Agenda: Local government briefs for 12.31.18
Goochland supervisors consider adjusting a voter precinct boundary line, Richmond’s urban design committee meets next week and the city breaks ground on three new schools.
The Agenda: Local government briefs for 12.17.18
Richmond City Council convenes its last regular meeting of the year after getting snowed out last week, Hanover defers votes on the proposed Lake District at Glen Allen development and the Chesterfield EDA meets this week.
The Agenda: Local government briefs for 12.11.18
Long agendas packed with business. Big ticket items include a proposed 323-acre mixed-use development and 226-acre solar farm in Hanover. Snow delays a City Council vote ahead of its review of the Navy Hill redevelopment proposal. Goochland’s EDA also meets this week.
The Agenda: Local government briefs for 12.3.18
The planning commissions for Richmond and Goochland County meet this week, Henrico’s county manager presents his State of the County address and a city committee considers an advisory commission for the proposed Navy Hill redevelopment project.