Union First Market Bank

That new bank smell

Richmond’s biggest local bank recently opened its newest branch, which, in a break from recent trends, was built from scratch.

3 strikes for local business

Three local companies declared bankruptcy this week, including the owner of a truck stop and motel near Kings Dominion and the owner of an 84-acre undeveloped tract of land, a trailer park and a Mexican restaurant.

Property snatched up at French auction

The foreclosure auction of a prime piece of Shockoe Slip real estate drew a large crowd of spectators and prospective bidders Friday morning, but there was only one winner. And it wasn’t the bank.

More foreclosures in French’s portfolio

Another bank is foreclosing on some of developer Justin French’s property, and it could leave the tax credit investor in the lurch.

More dough, but a smaller piece of the pie

An FDIC report shows that many locally based banks saw their local deposit base increase in the past year but watched their share of the total market decrease thanks to Bank of America’s growth.