
Don’t leave court without it


A lawsuit from American Express Travel is the latest legal issue for John Ross Greer and his Richmond-based luxury villa rental company.

Local businessman charged with grand larceny


John Ross Greer, a local businessman whose illegal dealings in precious metals made Richmond headlines in the 1980s, ran into the law again last week.

An unusual but optimistic request

new kent courthouse pic1

New Kent Courthouse Village, a stalled $30 million mixed-use development modeled after a traditional English village, had its Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection dismissed.

More trouble for Tetra


A local bank is foreclosing on parcels at four sites in Henrico that were once in the pipeline of the Tetra Companies, a Virginia Beach real estate investment firm that appears to have dissolved.

Rental agency has unusual pattern of complaints


A Richmond company that helps its clients rent luxury villas around the world has found itself in a coast-to-coast legal battle with a television and Broadway producer.

SBA borrowing down in Va.


Lending to small businesses in the state showed a 36 percent decline in the fourth quarter of 2011 compared to the same three months of 2010.

Wells Fargo sues to collect from Fergusons


A second bank claims the Fergusons lied about their wealth to get loans, and has sued to recover debts it doesn’t want tossed out in bankruptcy.

Rug business cleans up

A local developer and a Northern Virginia rug cleaning company purchases the business interests and commercial real estate of a prominent bankrupt Richmond couple at auction. And already one developer is planning to put in apartments in Oregon Hill.

Hirschler Fleischer swings back at fraud suit

A Richmond law firm that has been dragged into a bankruptcy suit tied to a Ponzi scheme says the plaintiff is just trying to collect money from everyone and their mother.