The Brew

Hundreds vie for jobs at Stone Brewing

Stone Brewing job fair ftd

Stone Brewing held a job fair on Tuesday to fill more than 80 positions at its upcoming brewery, and the event drew some 600 applicants.

Goochland brewery finds its home

Kindred Spirit Trottier ftd

Planning to make a splash this spring with a large space and big production, a startup brewery has found a location in Goochland not far from Hardywood’s upcoming complex.

Pieces of Stone brewery fall into place

Stone Brewing McAuliffe ftd

The mayor, the governor and Stone Brewing executives raised a glass on Friday as the new beer facility’s roofing was lifted up to make way for massive fermentation tanks.

Stone Brewing hauls in the heavy artillery

Stone Brewing tanks ftd

Stone Brewing unloaded several massive fermentation tanks from a river barge on Wednesday as construction hums along at its new facility near Rocketts Landing.

Local breweries take on competition in Colorado

Great American Beer Festival Strangeways ftd

Two Richmond-area breweries traveled to Denver over the weekend to participate in the annual Great American Beer Festival, and one is coming home with a new addition to the trophy cabinet.

Brewery launches in Lakeside

Sean Florin Final Gravity ftd

The owner of a home brew retail store in Lakeside has his new brewery and taproom venture running full-speed next door.

Breweries rack up awards at annual competition

Hardywood 620

Several local breweries brought home new additions to their trophy cabinets over the weekend after an annual craft beer competition at Devils Backbone.